I am an actor and theatre artist originally from the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Area
I believe that music, dance, and theatre are for everyone, whether they recognize it or not.
From the time I was 4 years old and exposed to my first theatrical production, I have been enamored with the performing arts and the potential they have in allowing patrons to forget about life's stressful obstacles even if only for a few hours. I have performed in a wide variety of musicals, classic plays, and physical and social justice theatre work, in addition to participating in numerous improvisational sketch-comedy, voice, and film acting workshops. I aspire to use my art to brighten a person's day with a good sense of humor and a fresh perspective on life's roller coaster of ups and downs.
In the Spring of 2016, I wrote, produced, directed, dramaturged and performed in my own production entitled Desendorized Autonomous Neuron (DAN): An Extended Check-In. The show showcased my struggles, failures, triumphs, and life goals as a young man on the Autism Spectrum. For more information on my philosophical experience with Aspergers, look at my Extra Information page. It is jock full of puzzle pieces, a symbol I am obsessed with!
Down below are links to my performance resume and my individual artist mission statement.
2010 - present
2010 - present